Wednesday, May 2, 2012


Outside beckons like mother to child. An internal tug of war ensues between responsibility of man-made importance and the call of a calm breeze, green grass and waving branches. Nature’s beckoning once again and it’s only morning…6 more hours to go. 

Come rest your eyes and relax like when you were young! No time…too busy. How fast we move through our short existence only to get to the end and wish we’d have slowed down. How hard we strive to live a life doing what is needed not giving a second thought to the real meaning of life passing us by. 

Memories that should have been, never came to be because of the demands of your industry. So many sacrificing life for so few in hopes for what? Recognition from those that matter least!

What can we learn from a longing gaze? We learn that your place is elsewhere…

1 comment:

  1. I commend your courage to realize this- its no easy process- but when paired with action, its the most beautiful thing any of us can go through!
