Thursday, May 31, 2012

An Ode To Coffee

From the ground the berry bush grows
until they are ready to make your hand unsteady.
Roasting the beans dark as night or light and bright.

The black awakening makes its way up.
Through vessels, veins, capillaries and arteries.
Rocket fuel for the brain
creating a launchpad for the imagination.
Energy flowing like a black waterfall
crashing into the depths of the mind.
Filling the pool of creativity.

For the night owls and morning glory's.
It's a common ground many share.
Rooted in the earth and a strong scent in the air.
So press another shot, brew another pot.
It's time to go...To ship, to move to create and inspire.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Three Ways of Looking Back...

Remember the times…
What a haunting phrase
The past is the past
Only trouble and sorrow lie ahead
A vast expanse of brokenness
emptiness and sadness in a
wasteland of too few memories 
and too many tasks. 
The desert is seemingly endless.

Remember the times!
The wonderful times
Laughing, loving, living.
Thank you Lord for a life
to remember. Beautiful memories
as plentiful as the wild flowers
that the border sign promises.
Colors, imaginations running
wild as they are meant to be.

Remember the times.
Times and events that can
never be replicated. Amazing times.
That is why we remember them 
so fondly and frequently.
Not to say “The good ‘ol days”
but to know so much is in store
for the future. There’s so much
to look forward to…

Skin & Bones

People come in all varieties
shapes, sizes and colors.
Why should we expect everyone
to act the same? To fit in society’s box.
To take away the unique aspects of each
other is to take away everything.
Skin and bones is what we
have in common and without
our other differences that is all we are.
Skin and Bones.

'Dig' a Hole and Plant a Seed...

The Familiar voice fills my headphones.

Bringing a message to the masses

But I feel like it was crafted for me.

The same feeling I get 

When I enjoy the brew being touted…

“Follow your folly”, says the voice.

The seed is planted.

The soil is good.

And when the seed grows.

That’s when I’ll be alive. 






Wednesday, May 2, 2012


Outside beckons like mother to child. An internal tug of war ensues between responsibility of man-made importance and the call of a calm breeze, green grass and waving branches. Nature’s beckoning once again and it’s only morning…6 more hours to go. 

Come rest your eyes and relax like when you were young! No time…too busy. How fast we move through our short existence only to get to the end and wish we’d have slowed down. How hard we strive to live a life doing what is needed not giving a second thought to the real meaning of life passing us by. 

Memories that should have been, never came to be because of the demands of your industry. So many sacrificing life for so few in hopes for what? Recognition from those that matter least!

What can we learn from a longing gaze? We learn that your place is elsewhere…